Saturday, 29 June 2013

OH My God!!

I always wanted to write this. I always felt uncomfortable in doing certain things. But due to the fear of God you may say and to not hurt my mom's feelings, I was/am doing them. Nevertheless, I have questions ringing inside me. Why this is done? Why not that is not done? 'This' and 'that can be seen below.

Everyone has religious feeling. Many towards it and some against it. And let me make clear that I am towards it (although not so superstitious). I do believe in the existence of super power (you can term it as God or Nature). But there are few things that seem to be too much for me or in a since not required. The same effort can be spent in the good of several fellow humans.

The first big thing that puts me into a serious thought is the religious travel/yatra. Let it be any religion, people think that as a good deed that brings them moksha or heaven. But no one is sure if such an afterlife exists. Still we love to save for that not-so-sure life that is going to exist. Religions might have been originated in different parts of the world but how they have this yatra in common is the question that interests me. I will try to find that sooner. If someone could help me in knowing, that will be great.

Also the offerings to God, ranging from 100s to several lakhs is so common. People think if you give to God, he will give you ten fold!! I am surprised where this thought came from.

Maybe from a psychological stand point, it will give some clarity, atleast to me. This has something to do with the belief of the people. They always need someone to believe, someone to motivate them. That motivation factor is the one told above. In fact two. There maybe lot more like asking for forgiveness, but the point here is, we need someone to carry our burden. We choose God as he is the superior to all. Those offerings/yatras, we feel, will bring us good time. We believe, good will happen due to that. That belief gets transformed into a self belief. As some psychologists say, if you start believing something over a period of time, the belief will come true. In that sense, the offerings maybe accepted. But could that not be changed?

Can't the poor be helped with the money spent on that? Certainly they can but people generally expect something in return for their action. If we give to God, God will give us back (belief). But what will be get if we give the poor. If you believe in the almighty, then he is watching us every time. Our good deeds are noticed. Its more than what we do to God directly. I heard a story told by a writer about his friend. What that friend will do is, every year on his birthday he will buy 4 biriyani packets while going to office. He will distribute them to the beggars on the way. These kind of small things will give you greater satisfaction. You are noticed, don't worry. There is no politics here!!

I had a personal satisfaction yesterday when I contributed few kgs of rice and wheat for the people affected by flood in Uttrakand. I am not sure if that will reach the right guys but I have done what I could. Show love to the fellow humans. God will love you or you will get that great feel for that matter. :Pray to God that you will offer something, but to the poor!!

Helping hand is always better than praying lips.

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