You maybe wondering by seeing your monthly electricity bill!! How could this keep on increasing? And that will cause a big dent in your monthly income. Here I am presenting you with few simple steps to save power. You may know this but reminding them to you is not such a bad thing!
Lets start with the most simplest of the suggestion. Guys, switch off your lights when not used. This may save a lot of power. You can experiment this only by following it. If this does not solve your woes, then hit back to me, I will take back my words. Its like leave a room, off the switch. It applies to your lounge and entrance too.
Next what you can do is, just replace your bulbs. Use of CFL and LEDs can reduce your power consumption nearly half of what you consume now. If you are using air conditioner, you can consider switching off them frequently.
Solar water heaters will save a lot of power in your household. Whether its summer or winter, everyone of us love to take hot water bath. It refreshes us right!! We feel great. But the consumption of power is huge in case of a geyser. Consider buying a solar water heater. It may cost around 7K but that is one time cost and from then on, you wont spend on hot water bath.!!
Finally, consider setting up a solar power plant in your home. This is again a one time cost and you will end up saving for lifetime
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